Binary Dinosaurs Computer Museum
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Home Computing History

Welcome to Binary Dinosaurs, the online display of a real collection of nearly 500 computers that begins at the Magnavox Odyssey from 1972, travels through the 'pong wars' of the 1970s, visits the explosion of diversity and excellence that created the home computer market of the early 80's and ends, well, as time has gone on it's been proved it doesn't end - my former main Mac G5 is here now and pretty soon the machine this site is running from could be declared vintage too...

(I must at this point apologise for most of the pictures here, they were mostly taken in 2000-2003 when bandwidth was precious and digital cameras weren't the best)
Head up to the Control Panel to find your way around the site and enjoy your visit!

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Lisa Icon07 Oct 2023
Positron news! I'm chuffed to say I now have TWO Positron machines, the second is a Positron 9000/4 twin-CPU board housed in a bespoke PABX data logging machine called Exchequer, made by DataPulse Limited in around 1984. 
Lisa Icon06 May 2023
Stripdown and PSU repair pics of the Torch Triple X Workstation I picked up from Kieran Matthew in 2006 :D 
Lisa Icon17 Mar 2023
It's the 50th birthday of THE most important computer in the paradigm of personal computer design, the Zerox Alto. Here's The Register with some history: 
Lisa Icon19 Jan 2023
Happy 40th to one of my favourite machines of all time, the Apple Lisa! To celebrate, the Computer History Museum has released the source code to LisaOS 3.1, and there's a shindig on the 31st of the month at ridiculous o'clock for UK people. I hope it's saved so I can watch later! 
Lisa Icon25 Nov 2022
i've only had this machine for 14 years or so. Finally got round to adding pics of the Science of Cambridge MK14 given to me when it was all uninitialised fields round here by Paul Smith. Clicky the button for more! 
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All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on