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Magazine Adverts
After digging some more old mags out from 1980 - 1986 I thought it'd be a good idea to scan some of the adverts for the machines of the day; all but maybe 2 or 3 of which are in the museum somewhere. Some of the peripherals mentioned in the ads turned out to be pure vapourware, and the Commodore ads are quite upbeat, considering that someone within CBM is reputed to have said that if CBM were selling sushi they'd call it "cold, wet, dead fish!"
Entries marked with an H have been provided by comp.sys.sinclair regular Hellraiser - cheers mate!
Other scans are from Graham Thornton (G) and Mark Anderson whose entries are marked MA. Cheers Mark!
Some 2018 adverts arrive courtesy of me finding a load of BYTE magazines. These are marked (B)
Acorn - 3 Trumps!
Acorn 6809 Processor - I know these exist, I've got the manual!
Acorn Atom - Choose Atom Power!
Acorn Atom 'himalayas'
Acorn Atom - First colour advert?
Acorn Atom - First Atom advert?
Acorn BBC Master Compact - 'teddy'
Acorn BBC Master Compact - 'suit'
Acorn Prestel adapter
Acorn System 1 - anyone got a spare display module?
Acorn System X - addon cards
Acorn Systems 1 and 3
Amstrad CPC464
Amstrad CPC664
Apple Advert featuring the II, III and Lisa
Apple Lisa 1 advert
Apple Lisa 1 pity this one was on the bottom of the stack when it was left in the wet.
Arfon Vic-20 expansion advert
Arfon Vic-20 expansion cover from Electronics and Computing
Atari 600XL
Atari advert from Landau Electronics
Atari Brochure (G)
BasiCare Micro Tower System for the ZX81
BASICare Organic Micro for the ZX81
BBC Micro 'broader horizons'
BBC Micro
Camputers Lynx 'Ways to increase your memory'
Camputers Lynx software!
Camputers Lynx 'Look at our back'
Camputers Lynx
Camputers Lynx Range gatefold brochure
CGL M5 advert
CGL/Sord M5
Commodore 64 'split' edition
Commodore 64
Commodore VIC-20 'byteshop'
Commodore VIC-20 'waiting is over'
Commodore VIC-20 12 page brochure! (G)
Commodore VIC-20 '20 reasons'
Commodore/MOS KIM-1
Compukit UK101 case offer - bright orange loveliness for only £27.50!
Computer Express cover featuring the Sinclair PC200
Computex cases for Sinclair machines
COMX35 colour advert
Crash magazine pre-launch announcement
Currah VIC-20 peripherals
Currah Microspeech for the Sinclair Spectrum
Dean Electronics keyboard for the ZX81
DEC VT180 "Robin"  DEC's own multi-use Z80 powered CP/M machine combined with a VT100 for terminal access.
DKTronics graphics ROM and extra hardware
DKTronics peripherals
Downsway joystick interface for the Spectrum
Downsway RAM pack
Dragon 32 '30 seconds to live'
Dragon 32 'understand this'
Dragon 32 'show this to your wife'
Dragon32 '20 questions'
EACA Color Genie
EACA Colour Genie, full colour spread!
EACA Colour Genie advert
EACA Genie I (Lowe Electronics)
Early Spectrum in black & white
Electronic Games from Silica Shop - look at the keyboard addon for the Intellivision! Yow.
EllanBee 'colour on your ZX81' advert. I had one of these :)
Enterprise 64 PCN Cover
Enterprise 64 before its release
Exidy Sorceror - V2 I think. Must be since it's colour!
Filesixty keyboard for the ZX81
FREL Comcon joystick interface for the Spectrum
Fuller peripherals, late advert
Fuller FD keyboard add-on
GE Time realtime clock addon for ZX machines
Gemini Computers - Nascom-u-like
Grundy Newbrain
Grundy Newbrain (as originally pondered about by Uncle Clive himself)
Hewson Consultants
Hi-stak for the Sinclair Spectrum, lift your Speccy!
JK Greye ad for Sinclair software
Jupiter Ace review
Jupiter Ace advert
Jupiter Ace 16k Pacer RAM pack
Jupiter Ace
Jupiter Ace
KAYDE systems keyboard add-on (Spectrum)
Kempston Competition Pro joystick
Maplins keyboard for the ZX81
Mattel Aquarius
Mazogs from Bug-Byte. Excellent game for the ZX81
Megadodo Pheenixfor the Speccy, fantastic game!
Memotech explores the excellence of your ZX81
Memotech 48K memopak
Memotech 64K MTX512 advert
Memotech Memopak 48K (older ad)
Memotech Memopaks
Memotech MTX late advert
Memotech MTX500 pre-release advert ('porsche' edition)
Memotech MTX512 peripherals
Memotech MTX512
Memotech peripherals
Memotech peripherals - complete range
Memotech ZX81 keyboard add-on
MGT Direct - retail ad, not oft seen
Michael Orwin ZX81 gamestape (quality!)
Michael Orwin Cassette advert
Multitech MPF-1 Plus
Multitech Microprofessor
Multitech Microprofessor MPFII advert
Oric Atmos
Oric-1 in black & white
Oric-1 colour ad
Perhaps one of the last MTX512 adverts
Practical Electronics August 1979 cover featuring Dr Berk's UK101
Quicksilva (one of the originals) - mentions the QS MotherBD.
Quicksilva software (newer ad)
RAM Turbo interface
Rotronics Wafadrive (Rotronics ad)
Rotronics Wafadrive (SMT ad)
SAM Coupe 'growing with SAM'
SAM Coupe 'why'
Science of Cambridge MK14 'complete kit'
Science of Cambridge MK14 first advert.
Semi-Tech Microelectronics Pied Piper
Sharp MZ700
Sharp MZ80A
Sharp MZ80B
Sinclair Microdrives
Sinclair QL
Sinclair Spectrum
Sinclair Spectrum+ upgrade
Sinclair ZX Interface 1and Microdrives
Sinclair ZX81
Sinclair ZX81 advert cover
Sinclair ZX81 software
Spectravideo SV318
Spectrum Action Pack
Spectrum workstation from Peter Furlong
SSL Saga1 Emperor Spectrum keyboard enclosure
Stonechip ZX-Panda
Tandy MC10
Tangerine Microtan 65 early advert
Tangerine Microtan 65 (the creators of the Oric1, Atmos and Stratos)
Tatung Einstein
Texas Instruments TI99/4A
Torch Communicator advert
Ultimate Play The Game - early advert
Ultimate Play The Game - later advert
Ultimates first ad for Jetpac and PSSST
YC Memotech cover featuring pre-release pic of Memotech MTX500
Your Computer cover featuring the ZX81
ZX80 Desk Console (I made one of these too)
ZX81 Workstation from Peter Furlong

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on