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Wakefield RiscOS Show
I've had the pleasure of exhibiting at the annual WROCC show in Wakefield since 2003 and this is the first year I've remembered to take a camera! Normally I'm only exhibiting my sometimes-tempremental Domesday system but since this year is the 25th anniversary of the Beebon I chucked some extra Acorn toys in the car during friday night's torrential thunderstorm for show (couldn't find my System 1...bah):

A pair of Atoms
BBC Model A with Solidisk sideways RAM board
BBC Model B with Viglen ROM cart modules
Torch Z80 add-on
Electron with Plus1 and Plus3 expansions
ACW 210 which worked all day!
Domesday system
Master Compact
6502 copro
Teletext wedge
32016 copro
manuals and catalogues for the more uncommon Acorn stuff

Also present was Retrobeep's Andrew Wickham with 2 machines I'd not seen before, the slightly rare (and very cancelled) Phoebe prototype and a screwed-into-its-briefcase Acorn Communicator. The two most asked questions of the day were 'why isn't the Domesday available on CD' and 'does Phoebe work' :) Thanks for coming Andrew! I won't do any more writeups on Phoebe because there are already excellent ones out there, one such is linked at the bottom of the page.

As usual for the Domesday there were people interested in seeing things either they themselves or their pupils contributed back in 1983/4; given the £4k cost of the package there were often schools who couldn't afford a system and weren't near a public library that ended up with one. Also present were people whose school bought a system purely because they were in it, people who had their name in lights in the text pages and a teacher whose school didn't send in the contributions......their square of the country is bereft of both text and images even though the school is slap bang in the middle of it. I had a tremendous time meeting all of you and thanks for taking the time to talk to me!
Related Links
Retrobeep at Bletchley Park
A good Phoebe writeup by Richard Goodwin.

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on