The Microdigital TK2000 was originally thought to be an Apple][ clone but it turns out it isn't,
it's a clone of the MicroProfessor MPF-II which itself was an Apple ][ clone. Ish.
Still following? Good :) Back in those days Apple licenced a couple of versions of the ][ like the ITT2020.
Microdigital, being Brazilian, didn't have any truck with this 'copyright' malarkey and did their own versions
of machines in non-matching cases, hence this one being in a case that looks staggeringly similar to the Atari 1200XL...
I've not powered this one up, information on PSU is scant to say the least, but given the requirements
of the MPF-II I should be able to get away with +5/+12/-12. Time to trace the power circuits!