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Acorn A7000/A7000 plus
Second last of the Archimedes range before Acorn started down the RiscPC road before going bust. Pretty standard stuff now - IDE drive and CD, PS/2 mouse and keyboard, with 4mb of onboard RAM and a single slot for standard SIMMs. The only thing it was missing was built-in Ethernet. Interestingly there's a header on the board for a Genlock to allow the machine to overlay its display onto an external signal.
There was one annoyance with this machine based round its expandability. The machines could have a CD-ROM fitted, but this meant you couldn't use the expansion port on the back because they used up the same physical space!
The last machine in the range, the A7000+, was released a year or so later with double the onboard memory and a bigger hard drive. They didn't get rid of the not-being-able-to-use-the-expansion problem though :)

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