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Camputers Ltd
Not much info to be had online about Camputers Ltd, aside from names of key players:
Richard Greenwood: MD (?)
Geoff Sore: Tech Director
John Shireff: Hardware designer
Davis Jansen: ROM coder
Richard Joseph: Accountant
Hopefully more info to be added soon!
Lynx 48 boxed with RAM expansion, boxed with leads, PSU and intro tape. Nice! Ta Adam!
Lynx 96 boxed complete in excellent condition, courtesy of Peter Fairbrother *bounce*
Lynx 128 ('Laureate') with Camputers printer interface and manual from Tim Schomer.
Lynx disk drive and interface, both boxed, 'preliminary' according to the manual.
Lynx printer interface, fully boxed
Lynx joystick interface, freshly discovered after 2 years in my inbox!
Loads of Lynx software and memorabilia, all from Peter. Some pics below.
Unused box of 10 Lynx keyboards!
Newsletters and Stuff

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on