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Commodore CDTV
Another brave, if ill-advised step by Commodore to revolutionise the entertainment market with a product that wasn't needed. The CDTV is a sleek entertainment console that looks the business even today, but at its heart is just a multimedia player that could show the popular CDROM content of the day and even games! Dull games, but pretty ones.
Look aroun the back however and you see some surprising things for a dull multimedia console. There's a pair of PS/2 ports for one thing, and serial ports, and isn't that a floppy drive port? 23 pin video? There's only one machine that has a 23 pin video port and that's the Amiga. Yes, spend another $200 on the Expansion Pack and you had an Amiga 500!
Naturally not many people did this because for another $100 or so you could have a proper Amiga so buy that instead. Still, it's still a good looking box even today, and thanks to @povvercrazy on twitter mine now sports a memory card slot cover
One option I discovered that was available was the 'Image' home video kit that's essentially a genlock module for the expansion slot. One of these days I might actually plug it in to see what it can do.
Oh, if you had an Amiga 500 and you wanted to turn it into a CDTV you just had to add the A570 CD-ROM drive!
2017 Pictures

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on