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CBM PET 2001-8
This was Commodore's first 'real' machine after the calculators and the MOS KIM-1 hobbyist computer. Designed by Chuck Peddle at CBM, It was debuted in 1977 and was called the Personal Electronic Transactor! Highly collectable now; in its day it wasn't very well received because of the awful 'chiclet' keyboard. This line of machines was also my introduction to personal computing in 1980 or thereabouts, playing 'Space Invaders' on one at a schoolfriend's house. Hehe.....It's also one of the few machines that people look at in the museum and say "Now that LOOKS like a computer!"
Part of the user guide was obviously writtern by a bloke like me - CBM must've been inundated with requests for a bigger keyboard on the 2001 since in the errata section there's a Q&A - "When will you be bringing out a bigger keyboard for the PET?"/"A PET with a bigger keyboard will be available soon with a bigger price tag". Ouch!
This particular machine was donated to the museum by a smart bloke called Dave Hills - cheers! Look out - thumbnails below!
Unfortunately she's suffering from a bit of bit-rot. The display below was obtained by nicking the video RAM out of one of my UK101s and I thought 'great!' but she doesn't like being left on for long periods of time......anyone got some spare 2114 DRAMs?
Update - 6/06/02. A consignment of 2114 DRAMs arrives from BG Micro in Texas so PET is now back up and running again! See pix at the bottom of the page.
Working again!

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on