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Update April 2021. Thanks to fellow collector Andy Collins I'm now home to a really quite rare Genie III. It doesn't have a screen but that's a minor setback. Thanks Andy!
Not much unearthed about EACA so far, other than they were a Hong Kong based company that produced TRS80 compatible machines until they came up with the EG2000 which wasn't so compatible and therefore didn't sell too well. There's also a Genie III but I've not seen one in the wild so far.
Genie I EG3003 with tapes and manuals, boxed. Donated by Victor Hadden.
Color Genie EG2000, boxed but no manual. Nice machine - looks borrowed from the Vic-20 I suspect!
Color Genie EG2000, boxed and again no manual, but different machine.....more checking needed!
Genie III Almost like hens teeth because so few were sold. NEWDOS/80 and CP/M 2.2/3.0!
EG2013 joysticks that actually plug in via a ribbon cable. Not much info on the web about these...
Donations from Colin Hogben, thanks Colin!
Video Genie, boxed with tapes, leads and manuals.
Microdigital EG3003, on its own, missing one or 2 vital bits like power cord :)
Genie I EG3003, again on its own.
Genies A pair of Genies, earlier..
EG3016 Parallel printer interface.
Disk interface and floppy drive.

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on