This machine has been my 'test' machine for years now, it's also the one that gets dragged out to exhibitions
and misused by the general public :) I'm pretty sure it was an early hand-modified EP64 given the sticker on it and the soldering
inside, as well as the low serial number (995). In 2016 I upgraded it to Zozosoft's EXOS 2.3 because why not. The upgrade needs a bigger
EEPROM than the original 27128 which means a wiring adjustment or two. The benefits of this are onboard diagnostic routines, IS-BASIC
built-in and V2.6 of the Word Processor amongst others.
A recent exhibition meant I needed to test various floppy drives since my former sturdy Cumana 5.25" was
beginning to fail and thanks to EXDOS' MSDOS compatibility hooking up a 3.5" drive is easy. It also makes transferring disk images
a simple task too.