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MB Microvision
This is the first time I've seen one of these 'in the flesh', so that means for 21 years I never knew they were this big! The pictures don't really show how large the Microvision is, but then again I gues it *was* released in 1980. The game modules are 3 1/2 inches by around 8 inches, so add the rest of the main module onto that and you've got quite a chunky game. The bloke on the box has big hands!
I also always wondered how just changing the faceplate could alter the game and now I know - there's the equivalent of a PONG/VCS/Odyssey cart in the top of the faceplate that interfaces in the usual fashion with the body of the machine. <slap> Why didn't I think of that? :)
This machine's from a bloke called Adam Taylor, who thoughtfully put an ebay buy-it-now reasonable price on it and in a rush of blood to the head I snapped it up. All is present and correct, right down to the warranty cards - good to see it originated not far from me in the first place, and was bought for a child's xmas present in Dec 1980. Bless.

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on