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Nascom 1
This is my second Nascom 1 and it came via a trade from Mattis Lind in Sweden. It all arrived beautifully packed in tin foil and gave me a late Christmas while I unpacked it all. Apart from the original Nascom along with its keyboard and buffer board it also came with a selection of Gemini boards - an I/O board, 2 very hand-modified RAM boards and what was regarded as an excellent video upgrade, the IVC Intelligent Video Controller. Though mono only it allowed variable resolutions and graphics as well as supporting other non-Nascom keyboards. There was also a serial input for a light pen. More info on that here.
Another standout piece of kit is a second Keytronic expanded keyboard with numeric keypad. It's unknown if this was used with any of the boards though. Pictures speak louder than words so...

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on