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Panasonic FS-A1
My Missus (in 2006) bought this for me, it's the first machine I've had from Japan which means I haven't fired it up yet as I need a step-down transformer to feed it the 110V it needs. Nice box on it though, also the customs address label looks like a work of art given the Japanese writing on it; I've managed to last this long without getting anything sent from over there so outside of manuals etc it's the first time I've seen Japanese hand-written :)
2017 update - I found this again hidden on a shelf so I've done new pictures. Good job I checked it since it still had batteries in, fortunately they hadn't leaked. Still not powered it up though, I can't bring myself to open that beatifully wrapped bag with all the leads in :)

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on