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2018 Museum Updates
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Lisa Icon01 Jan 2018
Happy new year to one and all!
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Lisa Icon07 Jan 2018
First update of 2018, pictures of the Tandy 1000SX box I picked up a while back. This one was donated by an excellent bloke called Brian Ecclestone, cheers!  
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Lisa Icon22 Jan 2018
Sad news, you may not have known his name but you certainly knew his ZX Spectrum cover art for so many classic games like Daley Thompson's Decathlon and Head Over Heels.  
RIP Bob Wakelin, artist extraordinaire.
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Lisa Icon23 Jan 2018
On this day in 1984 a certain Apple Computer launched the Macintosh with a big splashy advert at the Superbowl. Happy birthday Mac!
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Lisa Icon25 Jan 2018
Big update to the RML 380Z page just in case anyone else is attempting to get one of these running. Info was pretty spartan when I was searching. 
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Lisa Icon20 Feb 2018
Nice writeup in Amiga User International from last weekend's Recursion 2018 fair in Stratford On Avon, clicky on the button to read!  
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Lisa Icon05 Mar 2018
Happy 37th birthday to the Sinclair ZX81, arguably the machine that introduced computing to the masses. Not me, it was the ZX80 for me but hey. 
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Lisa Icon29 Mar 2018
Sad to hear of the passing of Stuart Honeyball, Sinclair man extraordinaire who did much for the QL at Miracle Systems but I'll remember him as the man who designed the layout of the Issue 1 Spectrum by hand.  
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Lisa Icon23 Apr 2018
Happy 36th birthday to my 3rd ever computer, the humble ZX Spectrum. Took me until 1983 to save enough for one though, while furiously hacking away at my ZX81. Halcyon days!  
This is that very machine, housed in a natty SAGA ONE keyboard, obviously a great investment since I still use it today at exhibitions. 
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Lisa Icon26 Apr 2018
It pains me to type this because of the impact his work had on my life, but ex-Sinclair industrial designer Rick Dickinson has died in the US whilst receiving specialist cancer treatment.  
RIP Rick, you're part of the reason I'm doing this. You'll be missed. 
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Lisa Icon06 Jul 2018
New machine! I've been given a UK-made Ferranti Advance86 from 1984, yet another machine that was featured in weekly magazine Personal Computer News that made me want one. Cheers Dave! 
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Lisa Icon11 Jul 2018
Many many updates to the CPT page including pictures of the CPT Phoenix!  
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Lisa Icon16 Aug 2018
Here's an interesting tale of how DEC invented the 'inverse-T' cursor key pad with editing key cluster for the LK201 keyboard used on the VT220. This is from the man who came up with the cursor idea - Jim Burrows. 
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Lisa Icon09 Sept 2018
After a couple of week's troubleshooting, testing and dead component replacing I've got my Exidy Sorcerer up and running again with its S100 box and Micropolis floppy drives. Head over to the Exidy page by clicking the Continue button!  
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Lisa Icon05 Dec 2018
Happy 40th birthday to the mighty Acorn! Created on this day to give us the BBC Micro and one or two more quite popular things and chipsets :D 
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Lisa Icon13 Dec 2018
On this day in 1928 one Jack Tramiel was born as Idek Trzmiel in Lodz, Poland. Wonder what became of him :)
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Lisa Icon13 Dec 2018
WOW! Just unveiled are 4 pictures of a C65 'Classroom Computer' with no floppy drive and an RGB output. No other details as yet but WOW! 
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All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on