Binary Dinosaurs Computer Museum
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2007 Museum Updates
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Lisa Icon14 Feb 2007
An update to the CPT page thanks to former engineer Jeff Salzman, cheers Jeff!
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Lisa Icon27 Feb 2007
Greetings to the 6music messageboards :)
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Lisa Icon06 May 2007
A long round trip to the Wirral produces an excellent boxed Multitech Microprofessor II, boxed EACA Video Genie in excellent nick, lots of QL bits and bobs, books, magazines and microdrive carts including a QL-OPD transfer utility. Good stuff, thanks Vic!
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Lisa Icon08 Oct 2007
A surprise posting on the local Freecycle results in me picking up a very yellowed but still working Sharp MZ80A, thanks folks!
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Lisa Icon09 Oct 2007
I've finally fixed the mail page several months after moving webservers. I wonder what else has let the magic smoke out....
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Lisa Icon11 Nov 2007
Lots of updates to the Enterprise pages with a lot of info on the Hungarian scene post-Enterprise in 1986 and onwards!
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All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on