Binary Dinosaurs Computer Museum
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2008 Museum Updates
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Lisa Icon01 Feb 2008
A most appreciated donation to add now, thanks to an excellent bloke called Paul Smith I'm now the proud owner of a Science of Cambridge MK14, the first machine Clive Sinclair and Hermann Hauser put out before they parted ways. Pictures soon, many thanks Paul :oD
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Lisa Icon19 May 2008
Oops, noticed the email function wasn't working so it is now!
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Lisa Icon11 Jul 2008
Yay! Thanks to Alan Hanks and his daughter Vikki I'm now home to an Osborne Executive, pix soon. 
Thanks both!
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Lisa Icon05 Aug 2008
Thanks to Judith I'm now the owner of a classic piece of Apple design, the 2002 flat screen telescopic iMac G4 :oD 
(I've been after one of these for a while, now to find a G4 Cube...) 
Cheers Judith!
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disk iconTo 2007 Updatesdisk icon

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on