Binary Dinosaurs Computer Museum
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2010 Museum Updates
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Lisa Icon14 Apr 2010
Long time no update! Thanks to the original donator and Adam H for storing it I now have a PET 2001N-16. It needs slight work as it has the usual 'stuck RAM' problem, but hopefully that's all. Pity none of those RAM chips are socketed, bah.
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Lisa Icon14 Jun 2010
Thanks to Rich Kilpatrick I'm now the owner of a Brazilian Multitech/Apple* clone in an Atari 1200XL case - the Microdigital TK2000. He also sent me some original PANOS disks for the Acorn Cambridge Workstation so I can rebuild mine, thanks Rich! Pix taken, just need to clean and upload. 
*Microdigital claimed it was a clone of the Multitech MPF-II which itself is pretty much Apple ][c compatible
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Lisa Icon08 Nov 2010
See some Binary Dinosaurs at the Digital Archaeology exhibition in Shoreditch, London from the 10th November!
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All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on