Binary Dinosaurs Computer Museum
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2011 Museum Updates
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Lisa Icon08 Feb 2011
RIP Ken Olsen of DEC fame, indirectly responsible for me doing what I do for a living. Thanks Ken!
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Lisa Icon30 Aug 2011
RIP Tony Sale, the man who singlehandedly brought Colossus back to life. Arguably the first digital computer, it also brought the 2nd world war to an end at least 2 years earlier than it might have ended. 
With Tommy Flowers you will never be forgotten.
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Lisa Icon06 Oct 2011
Something I never wanted to add as an update. Steve Jobs of Apple has died aged 56. This man with Steve Wozniak shaped my world, words can't describe how gutted I am. Condolencies to Steve's family and friends.
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Lisa Icon13 Oct 2011
Gah, another sad death - Dennis Ritchie has gone :( The co-founder of the C programming language and contributor to UNIX. RIP DMR. May you forever 'hello world'
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Lisa Icon15 Nov 2011
Happy birthday to the Intel 4004 processor, 40 today! Also happy birthday to the room-sized computer that gave companies the ability to mass-process payrolls after initially calculating the movement of sticky buns - the Lyons Electronic Office or LEO. No I haven't got one ;)
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All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on