Binary Dinosaurs Computer Museum
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2021 Museum Updates
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Lisa Icon01 Jan 2021
Happy new year from Binary Dinosaurs!  
My finest achievement of 2020 was finally finishing the replacement keyboard PCB for my battery damaged Tandata PA, so why not go and read about that? 
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Lisa Icon09 Jan 2021
First update of 2021 comes courtesy of an ebay auction for a Tandata TD4000, I thought you'd like to see pics of the not-PA. 
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Lisa Icon14 Feb 2021
Welcome to the new Binary Dinosaurs webserver! The old Mac Mini that was running the place can now join the museum and the new Debian host can take over. Please let me know if you find any bugs. 
Also note that I'm now SSL'd up!
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Lisa Icon27 Mar 2021
Busy year for STC Executel repairs so far. Lengthy addition to the STC page with more pictures of the latest successes. 
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Lisa Icon17 Apr 2021
To celebrate 3000 followers on Twitter I revealed the special machine I picked up yesterday, a rare as hen's teeth Positron 9000 multiuser OS9 powered viewdata compatible machine from 1982. Go see! 
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Lisa Icon15 Jul 2021
2 years ago almost to the day I received a one-off thing of excellence in the form of my French FrankenZX81, it was a ZX81 once, but it's been kind of Robocop'd. Go have a look! 
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Lisa Icon16 Sept 2021
Ack no. I knew it would happen at some point obviously, but you just never expect things to happen when they do. 
"Uncle" Clive Sinclair, the man who is directly responsible for me sitting in this chair now typing these words dies at 81. I owe my career to you, sir. RIP. 
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Lisa Icon04 Oct 2021
In yet another 'oops I've had this for 20 years and not created a page for it' I've finally got round to, er, creating a page for the Torch Disk Pack and Z80 Communicator - addons for the humble BBC Micro Model B that turned it into a CP/M workstation that ran a compatible version called CP/N that ran from ROM. Click the link! 
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Lisa Icon04 Oct 2021
Another new page, this time for the hen's teeth like EACA Genie III, a machine that sold in its, er, tens maybe. Very rare in the UK. And Europe. Click the link below! 
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All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on