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Commodore Business Machines
Where do you start on the history of a company like this? More info to follow when I can condense it and get some links! Interesting fact though - Jack Tramiel started out making office equipment.
MOS KIM-1 Rev F blue board in its case with 3rd party 8K RAM expansion and EPROM blower - smart!
MOS KIM-1 Rev G green board with Nascom PSU. Donated by Harry Watson. Cheers!
PET 2001-8 complete with manuals, schematics and some software. Donated by Dave Hills - cheers!
PET 2001N-32 donated by Adam Holman, cheers mate! It's very dead though so will need some TLC.
3032 PET with 3040 floppy drive, printer and a black C2N. Smart! 1979 too. Quite a few tapes with this one.
4032 PET with yet another C2N (can't get enough of 'em, me :)
8096 PET- everyone says 'now that LOOKS like a computer!', plus an 8050 twin floppy for said machine; For 1981 this has SERIOUS memory - <cough> - 64k!
8032 PET
8032SK PET, with 8023P printer, 8042 floppy drive, bought as non-working and restored by me during xmas 2015
P500 - Never released. This one is fully boxed and unused with original plastic bag, warranty and manual; I can't believe it's 33 years old!
P500 with fully populated RAM banks. Doesn't work yet.
P500, yep, another one, also boxed.
B700, works nicely; smart one from Kevan Heydon
Mk1 Vic-20, boxed, with games and a whopping extra 3K of memory :o)
Mk3 Vic-20, boxed.
Mk4 Vic-20 (well, the m/b is issue D), boxed; works fine. Badge looks like the C64.
Mk2 Vic-20 with bits and games in excellent condition.
VC20, ie German Vic-20 since 'Vic' said in a German accent is well dodgy :)
C64E "Terminator 2" box set, mint, complete with warranty reg., serial number stickers, books, special magazine and boxed TII cart.
C64 complete in its box.
C64G with grey keys. Known as the 'ALDI' in Germany. Rev A board.
C64C 'Night Moves' box set complete with C2N and joysticks.
C64C 'Light Fantastic' pack in almost mint condition - even the game cases don't have marks on 'em.
C16, boxed complete
Plus/4 - boxed with games and it only needed a new fuse.
C128, boxed complete with warranty cards and setup cards.
C128 - complete with games, donated to the museum - cheers Spooky!
C65, serial number 31 *mega bounce*!! :o))
Amiga 1000 with keyboard, rodent and floppies - cheers Thomas! Now with a box too :)
Amiga 1500 with keyboard, mouse and floppies.
Amiga 500, mk1 with embossed C= logo, boxed with manuals and disks. 1mb version.
Amiga 500 European Computer of the Year edition, mint boxed
Amiga 500 with official A501 upgrade, boxed, still with factory seals. Different keyboard so obviously a later one.
Amiga 500 with Cumana external FDD and monitor (my own setup)
Amiga 500 "Cartoon Classics" pack, boxed mint. Apart from one manual.
Amiga 500 Plus with stick and rodent.
Amiga 2000, boxed complete. Cheers Dave!
Amiga 2000 from Dunk. Apparently the 'Shadow of the Beast' machine but I've not confirmed that yet!new!
CDTV complete with keyboard and external floppy drive, new unused remote control, new unused mouse and used mouse
CD32 with games etc.
Amiga 600, boxed (almost unused, still with protective film on the name)
Amiga 600HD, mostly boxed with PSU, rodent, books, disks and more joysticks......
Amiga 1200 with 80mb HDD and books, Workbench 3.0, A520 modulator etc.
Amiga 1200 in excellent condition inc. factory seals still intact.
Amiga 1200 *box* for the above machine since the 1200 that's in it is bust! Complete with books, software, free software pack and new floppy drive.
Amiga 1200 "Comic Relief" boxed set, complete but it's been in someone's loft so it's a tad mucky
Amiga 4000-040 from Bjorn Rudolfsson, boxed with a CyberStorm 68060 accelerator and a CyberVision 3D graphics card.
Amiga 4000-040 from "A2000 Dunk", loaded with 68040 processor and video toasting goodies new!
PC-I (or PC-1 depending on which site you look at). CBM's first foray into the PC world and pretty disastrous too.
CHESSmate chess computer with PSU. Cheers Richard H!
A590 Hard disk for the Amiga 500, boxed complete.
A570 CD-ROM for the A500, giving it full CDTV compatibility. No PSU though, but its in great condition
4 different varieties of 1530/1531/C2N, all boxed.
Entrepo Quick Data Drive, boxed, mint. Unused! Wafer is still sealed in wrapping.
1551 FDD, boxed, brand new!
1541 floppy drive (along with some 'datatab' branded diskettes, proving we sold at least one box of 'em :o)
1541 II floppy, boxed and just missing the top poly
1571 floppy with PSU and serial cable.
C64 modem, boxed.
C64 modem, boxed with disks and manual
'Expert' cart for the C64, boxed.
Introduction to BASIC box set.
Boxed C2N data recorder, unit is mint but the box unfortunately isn't
More non-boxed C2Ns than I can be bothered to count.
Music Maker keyboard for the 'old' C64, boxed.
Currah 'Chatterbox' speech unit for the VIC
Vixen switchable 16K RAM pack for the VIC, boxed with instructions
VIC-1111 memory expansion x2, one boxed.
Stack 32K switchable memory expansion for the VIC; very 80s :)
Quite a few VIC cartridge games
More VIC carts
Prism Viewdata modem kit for the '64, where's the local prestel service gone?
4-port expansion unit for the C64, boxed.
Boxed "Magnum" Lightgun for the C64 inc demo games. On floppy! Woo.
Action Replay cart for the Amiga.
TechnoSound Turbo stereo sound sampler for the Amiga, boxed.
Splitter cable for the C2N that allows 2 to be used at the same time, one for saving and one for loading.
Paravision SX1 expansion for the CD32
IEEE Cables for the PET series
SR-1800 Scientific calculator
Kolff Power PC board for the A500 - XT compatability with another half meg of RAM. Came inside a boxed Amiga :) Another one from Richard H......
Amiga Phone, courtesy of Tim King, the man who wrote AmigaDOS whilst at MetaComCo in Bristol, UK :o))
Vic-20 Paddles, boxed
GVP A500-HD8+ hard drive for the A500, boxed but missing PSU. Allows you to add an extra 8mb RAM too!
DISC Company Image Genlock for the CDTV, boxed in mint condition. Pity it's all in dutch! Anyone remember 'The Chart Show?'
1701 Monitor with leads etc
1081, boxed complete. Cheers Dave!
Boxed wrapped 1084ST monitor courtesy of Del - cheers mate!
1084S monitor with leads.
VIC 1515 printer with manual, mint condition with cables etc but sadly no box.
VIC 1520 printer, boxed.
MPS1230 printer, boxed, mint.
1520 Plotter, boxed.
Vic-20 carts
Voodoo Castle
Omega Race
Sargon II Chess (x2)
Jelly Monsters
Avenger (x2)
Cosmic Cruncher (x2)
Radar Ratrace
Jupiter Lander
Amiga CD32 Games
Seek & Destroy
Sensible Soccer
The Chaos Engine
Disposable Hero
Cannon Fodder
Overkill & Lunar-C (double disc)
Liberation (Captive ii)
Fury of the Furries
Related Links
A brief lesson in washing a pair of dead PETs :)
Some interesting notes on the development of the serial ports for the Vic-20 and C64
B700 and 8032SK together
Some Pets, yesterday

All images and text © Adrian Graham 1999-2025 unless otherwise noted using words. Also on